As the holiday season arrives, we found ourselves reminiscing on our childhood Christmases and realised that most of our memories are filled with episodes of our pets. Even though our experiences were completely different there was a common sentiment that made it much the same.
Christmas in Portugal
Growing up in Portugal, Christmas is all about family! Everybody gets together to celebrate and of course, EAT. I don’t know if you’ve ever been in Portugal, but food is a big part of our lives, which means that, for us, Christmas starts two days before with everybody arriving. Obviously, our dogs were integral members of the family festivities, eagerly participating in all the preparations, especially in the kitchen. I’m telling you that hoven was always well guarded. They also participated in the unwrapping of the gifts and every one of them would get their own special bone as a present.
Christmas in Switzerland
In Switzerland, horses were a big part of Stephan's Christmases. On the 24th, Stephan’s father would take his sons on a Christmas ride in the snowy mountains and every client was invited too. They would go all in a line, always changing the horse that went first so that the horse wouldn’t get tired. But that wasn’t the best part! The best part was going through the branches full of snow and slinging them at other people. They would be COVERED in snow! Everybody loved it and it became a big tradition in the farm.
When they got home, super cold and wet, after taking care of the horses, they would go inside to change the clothes and, magically, the entire house was decorated! There were all the candles lit up and the presents under the tree! Everything was just so warm and cozy, it was THE BEST!
Shared Memories, Diverse Traditions
Although completely different, our Christmas memories were always filled with presence of animals. Whether it was the tipping of the dinner table by the family dog trying to steal the cheese or slinging branches full of snow into you brothers in the family horse ride, our memories paint a picture of the universal warmth that comes from sharing the holiday season with our pets.
As we embrace the festive spirit once again, let's celebrate the diversity of Christmas traditions and the common language of love for our family and friends, regardless of their species. What about you? What funny pet memories do you have of your Christmases?
Happy holidays.
Isabel & Sephan
Don’t know what to get for your loved ones? Here are some suggestions to give to your equestrian and pet-loving friends.
Here are some Christmas gitft suggestions, you'll find a small description bellow and you can click on the pictures to buy them.
Heated socks! This was the first suggestion of Stephan. Having to ride in the winter, your feet and hands just freeze. He only wishes that there would be heated ridding gloves as well.
Reolink surveillance camera. This was Isabel first suggestion. This camera has wi-fi, which means that you can access it from everywhere in the world through an app in your phone. This is perfect to follow your mare’s foaling and to check if your other sensors are giving you false alarms. This app also allows you to make videos and photos and you can use it outdoors, having an option to install a solar panel. Isabel as already worked with Reolink cameras and says that the image at night is very good. You can also change the angle of the camera through the app in real time, which is perfect for when the mares and foals lay directly bellow the camera. They love hiding!
Carharrt Dog Coat. In the winter using dog coats can be very important, especially in short haired dogs and very skinny ones. Carharrt is a very good brand, super resistant and durable. What we like the most about this model is that it doesn’t go too low bellow the sternum, which means that the bottom part doesn’t get wet as often, not allowing the water to enter from bellow in the inside. These characteristics make it perfect for the equestrian environments and trails, as your dog can get wet in the belly without getting wet where it matters. Also, it looks super good! There are other brands and models you can choose from, and some equestrian brands also make coats for dogs, but we advise you to look for this characteristics in whatever model you choose.
Dog noise cancelers. As the festivities arrive, fireworks can be challenging for some dogs. And some of them get anxious. We’ve never tried these ear mufflers, so we don’t know if they work. But if they do, they seem like an amazing alternative to sedatives.
Travel Dog Water Bottle. This is great to have when you go with your dog from place to place, which is often the case with equestrians. We like this model because is thermal, which prevents your water from turning into tea in the summer and it is portable. Also, it has a compartment for food and integrated bowls for utility. Check it out!
Coffee Thermus are a must for equestrians. How many times have you had to wake up at 3am in the morning to go to a competition. At these hours there are no coffee houses open and coffee is life! We particularly like the Stanley one, because we are all about practical, durable and good stuff, but if you like you can also have fun ones.